Threads of Illusion

A YA urban fantasy superhero adventure novel

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Chosen Legends

Threads of Illusion

Book 2

An inevitable battle. A ruthless Mage. Six Chosen Legends tasked with the impossible.


After witnessing the death of his friend, Michael is on the run from Black Opal. His only option is to find Ash and Flame, seek answers to the mark on his hand, and get to Base One, a safe place for Metas.


But nothing works as planned.


Not only is he framed for murder and becomes a wanted fugitive, but Flame has fallen into Opal’s clutches. Time is running out. Together with Ash, Michael sets off for Base One to find allies to rescue her.

It’s not exactly a walk in the park, especially when the base doesn’t feel right. The atmosphere is too cheery, and the Metas’ plastered smiles feel forced.


Who is friend? Who is foe?


Something else looms on the horizon. It isn’t inside the base. Nor is it Black Opal.

Thousands of light years away, a monster is heading straight for Earth—an ancient evil whose power exceeds anything humanity has ever witnessed.


The fight for survival has only just begun.

Chosen Legends

Check Out The Series

Six brave teens are chosen to take on an ancient and terrifying monster that has returned to wreak havoc on the world.

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